Our Orchard
It is now 2019 we haven’t done much on the website but it needs to have an overhaul. As it would happen I am also a WordPress consultant so I’ll be getting some work done on the site.
Over the years we have done a number of things with our orchard, including having the opportunity to apply for funding to assist replanting our orchard. In 2014 our application was successful and we employed the services of The Lawn Ranger, another Clyde Valley-based company, to assist planting out the trees and various other fruits.
So what do we have? Well we have newly planted a number of plum trees, raspberry bushes, blueberry bushes, Saskatoon bushes, Chokeberry bushes, blackcurrants, gooseberries and strawberries.
Our orchard based in the Clyde Valley hamlet of Hazelbank contains various types of fruit tree including Victoria plum, whilst also a number of different soft fruits such as strawberries, black currants, raspberries, blueberries and also rhubarb.
In the last couple of years we have also added Jostaberries. These berries are like gooseberries in appearance but are sweeter and more tasty. They are great in jams too.